Saturday, October 4, 2014

Our First Dinner

Man says:
Gal has been feeling under the weather since we made our move so our first meal out in the city was in our apartimiento. I mean we can't eat out every night. I figured it would be helpful to plot our spending for bookkeeping purposes (Hi Dad) and so if anyone wanted they could follow in our footsteps. So here is a rundown of our first meal in Barcelona:

Pasta with fried garlic, tomatoes, and buffalo mozzarella ($4.00)
Pan with olive oil, mozz & toms (+ $1.00)
Smoked oysters (+ $1.00)
White wine - Maus Suau Blanc (+ $3.75)

So altogether $9.75 (or 7.79 euro) for a tasty home cooked meal for two. Toni helped... with the pasta. We got all this at our local supermercado and produce stand a two minute walk away. Just don't ever get this wine, ever, it was pretty close to un-drinkable. But I'm a man and finished the bottle anyway. 

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