Friday, October 3, 2014

Gal says too much

Gal says:
Hello, it's me, Gal, i.e.. Antonia or Toni or Teenie, depending on who's reading this at this given time.  Lets just say starting a blog is not as easy as you think it's going to be, especially when there are 2 people making all the decisions. There are fonts and layouts and colors and background photos... Let's just say it took us a while to agree on everything. Enough about the logistics, I know you just want to know about Spain. Here's the problem though, I really don't know where to start. First of all it's insanely beautiful. We took a taxi from the airport to our apartment which took about 20 minutes; that is 20 minutes of my face pressed up against the window trying not to miss the sun set behind the mountains. After 20 minutes of trying very hard not to miss anything at all, we twist and turn up and down what seems like 20 different teeny tiny ally ways and we arrive at the front door of our apartment in Barceloneta. Barceloneta is a small village within the city of  Barcelona, best known for its gorgeous sandy beaches. We live about 40 meters from the beach (hey I'm European now, I've gotta use the metric system) in a very very small first floor 2 bedroom apartment, where I am now, listening to a neighbor sing opera on the street, doesn't get more European than that. We have the worlds absolute smallest kitchen equipped with everything we could need, except for an oven, which has proven to be okay for now as there is an amazing bakery about 2 blocks away in the market square. The second bedroom noah calls his den, I call my closet, (it's all perspective ya know), the living room has a small couch or maybe a love seat which is okay because we are in love, a table for 4 and a television which we are trying hard not to use. We are in Spain after all, who needs TV when we have Gaudi? Which we experienced for the first time today completely by accident on our way home from the apple store  which does not account for the exchange rate by the way!!! Make sure you have all the appropriate chargers ahead of time because it may look like it's the same price but remember to add that $.30 to every dollar, thank you but no. More about Gaudi, we stumbled on the cathedral in all of its beauty this afternoon after I insisted on checking out some Spanish fashion. What do you even say, other than my neck hurts from looking up. At this point I'm sure you have realized, this post has no direction and I'm completely all over the place but that's because we have just done so much in 2 days, giving a detailed account would be the size of book 7 in the Harry potter series. I promise to be more focused in the future, but until then here are some notes:
  • The sand is so thick on the beach it feels like it's hugging your feet
  • There are bars everywhere, in the sand, on the corner, in the market
  • Wine is cheap, really cheap, we're talking €1,50 por una copa, oh and delicious
  • The sea is so clear it feels like a big salty swimming pool
  • Tapas are the best way to eat, you never have to decide what you want, just get everything
  • The neighbors come alive at night, music, singing, talking and lots of it, loudly
  • Fridges are small because you are supposed to go to the market everyday for fresh food
Hope you feel like you are on the same page as me now. I'm going to sleep because I have a cold to kick and lots to do tomorrow. 

-teenie out

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