Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Because, she loves the beach.

have this indescribable, completely unexplainable, love for the beach. So every morning, I wake up make an espresso, and then walk to the beach. It takes about two minutes to get there, and it's impossible for me to get lost, because I only have to walk straight down my street, thank god, because  a good sense of direction was not given to me. Everyone wakes up pretty late in this city, so when I first get there, it's really just me, and a few people exercising. I just sit, and I stare at the ocean, I run my fingers through the sand, dig holes with my toes and bury my feet, and I take it all in. Everything I'm feeling, the breeze, the sand, the salty spray of the ocean, the cigarette butt- ew gross just kidding, but really there are a lot of them. And that is my meditation. It's the quietest my mind ever is, or will be, and that is why I love the beach. It's the only place I'm ever alone. Eventually I pick up a book and read, write in my journal,or pull out my cannon and take what I think are some artsy snaps, which I'm unable to share right now due to the untimely death of my computer charger. Here's what I got from my iPad though to hold you over until the MacBook is back up and running. 

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